August 2020

August 2020

Hello Blues Fans!

How is everyone doing? Can you believe it’s August?  I honestly can’t believe it’s August but I’m also happy it’s August as we are getting closer to the end of the year, and hopefully 2021 is much different than 2020.

We have really stayed home during all of this, which is officially starting to get to me. I want to get out! I want to be social. I want to give and receive hugs.

I’m also spending a lot of time attending webinars from other industry professionals. We are all in the same boat and it’s nice to hear that I’m not alone, but also getting ideas on how we possibly move forward. What other cities and states are doing and/or allowing right now? I’ve reached out to our local health department and they are still working on plans as well.

I’m sure our event will look different next year, I’m just not sure what those details are as of yet.

I want to remind everyone to please follow us:
Facebook HERE
Instagram HERE
Website HERE

I love hearing from you! Have you found a new blues artist that the group needs to hear about? Have you found a new food truck that we need to have at our event? Have you seen a super cool piece of festival merchandise that we should sell? What would make your festival experience at our festival the best ever? Now is the time to tell me!

Sorry this isn’t more newsy but there just isn’t much going on here. I hope you all have a fun and safe August and we’ll chat in September!

Take Care,