Flagstaff Blues 2022 August update

Flagstaff Blues 2022 August update

Hi Blues Fans!

Well I’m cheating this month and writing this on Sunday the 24th, because we are in Alaska when this is going to be sent out.

I hope everyone had a good July and a happy 4th. Here in Flagstaff we had some major floods come through. While we need the rain, this is just hard to see happen to our town, all because someone decided to burn their toilet paper. Ugh.

Anyways, on the Blues front. Mackenzie and I have been busy revamping the sponsorship packets, reaching out to agents, and getting a plan together for 2023. I appreciate all the feedback on artists, it really is helpful. We are still waiting to hear back from a few more, and then we will start making our decisions.

I have also been reaching out to our local hotels to see if they would partner with us. While I’ve had some conversations I’m not done, and while I was hoping to have those discounted rates for you now, maybe by September’s newsletter we will have those.

We are already lining things up like Fencing, Porta Johns and Tent Rentals. There is so much that goes into this event, that the more I can get done in 2022, the better off we will be in 2023!

Well folks, I’m just too excited about my vacation to write too much more. So make it a great August and we’ll chat again September 1st!


SAVE THE DATE! Friday June 9th and Saturday June 10th, 2023! Same location.