Flagstaff Blues and Brews December 2020 Update

Flagstaff Blues and Brews December 2020 Update

Hi Blues Fans!

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving last week. What is your families signature dish? I would say ours is Garlic Cream Cheese Mashed Potatoes – and yes they are completely fat free. LOL. It’s a dish my mom always made and I still feel like I haven’t quite gotten the hang of making them just like hers. I remember when I got my wisdom teeth out, I didn’t want ice cream or popsicles, nope I wanted my moms mashed potatoes! Needless to say unlike all my classmates I didn’t lose any weight.

Back to the festival, we are all set for June 11th and 12th 2021! The Country Club has continued to be a great partner and we are excited to come back to this incredible location. If you haven’t checked them out, please do so. They are the only public golf course in Flagstaff and they have a great restaurant on site – Oakmont.

I’ve been busy reaching out to local and regional businesses to be our partners on this event. I’m sure you’re sick of hearing it but we really can’t have this festival without the support of our sponsors. Sponsors like Twin Arrows Casino, CD &E, Sonesta, Roland, Schorr and Tower, Satchmo’s BBQ, and Hensley!

We always need more, and we are always looking for ways to enhance YOUR experience on site! So if you have some ideas on ways sponsors can help elevate your experience, let me know!

I’m also really busy with bands. I took all your suggestions and compiled them along with my already long list of potential artists. I spent the month of November listening to everyone, and I mean everyone! I researched everyone, websites, social media, videos, songs, etc. And I made notes about each and every band. I also made notes on who was an absolute YES and who were maybe’s and who were nos. Because not everyone is right to play a festival, some are much better suited for a smaller venue. Then I started reaching out to all of my yes bands, because while I may love them if they aren’t in my price range, then it’s a no, for now. I finally feel like I have this great spreadsheet of blues love. I have notes and prices and I am thrilled!

I am still working on our 2021 lineup. It’s hard right now. No one really wants to commit to 2021 because of COVID, some bands aren’t even considering playing in 2021, and most want some wording that they can cancel at anytime. I understand that but as a promoter that doesn’t make me feel confident on picking you. It just sucks because we have no idea what 2021 will hold.

I’m trying to go easy on myself this month, as I did last month. November and December are super hard for me personally. My mother’s birthday, Thanksgiving, the anniversary of her death and Christmas. I’m just not in the holiday spirit anymore, so I’m going to focus on work and maybe paint. MAYBE. Painting sucks! LOL.

I hope everyone has a very happy holidays and a great new year!
Here’s to 2021 being oh so much better than 2020.
